Eötvös 100 presentations at the 191th Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1. The Eötvös 100 Assembly Presentation (András Patkós: Modernity of Roland Eötvös in science and in public life) 2019.05.07.
2. Modern theory of gravitation
- Welcome Address
Zoltán Rácz - Quantum scale symmetry and the equivalence principle
Christof Wetterich - Emergence of Gravity from Quantum Entanglement
Erik Verlinde - On the Origin of Gravitational Wave Sources observed by LIGO/VIRGO
Bence Kocsis - Testing and stability analysis of modified gravity theories
Árpád László Gergely - Scale Invariance at low accelerations (known as MOND) and the mass anomalies in the Universe
Mordehai Milgrom
3 Roland Eötvös the Earth scientist (2019.05.15.)
- Eötvös geofizikai méréseinek kapcsolata a geodinamikával és lemeztektonikával
Timár Gábor - Significance of activity of Roland Eötvös in geodesy
Ádám József; Tóth Gyula; Völgyesi Lajos - Connection points: Roland Eötvös and his contemporary meteorologists
Weidinger Tamás, Bordás Árpád, Lenkey László - Roland Eötvös and the continent wandering - How Eötvös could have helped the acceptance of Wegener's theory?
Horváth Gábor - Dream of Eötvös: gravity and magnetic results in geology
Kiss János, Szabó Zoltán - Eötvös torsion balance measurements and the geoid: boundary value problem and inversion
Tóth Gyula - Experiences of the repeated Eötvös experiment
Völgyesi Lajos, Szondy György, Tóth Gyula, Péter Gábor, Kiss Bálint, Barnaföldi Gergely, Deák László, Égető Csaba, Fenyvesi Edit, Gróf Gyula, Somlai László, Ván Péter - Revision of Bouguer gravity anomalies of Slovak Republic and interpretation of their enhanced higher derivatives
Pašteka, R.; Zahorec, P.; Szalaiová, V.; Mikuška, J.; Marušiak, I.; Papčo, J.; Kušnirák, D.; Bielik, M.; Krajňák, M.; Pánisová, J. - Study of the Lithosphere in the Carpathian-Pannonian Region: based on integrated interpretation of gravity field
Bielik, M.; Zeyen, H.; Alasonati Tašárová, Z.; Goetze, H.J.; Lillie, J.R.; Starostenko, V.; Makarenko, I.; Legosteva, O.; Horváth, F.; Pašteka, R.; Dérerová, J.; Pánisová, J.; Grinč, M.; Šimonová, B.; Balász, A.; Zalai, Z., Harangi, S. (Comenius University; Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava) - Vertical gradients of gravity in Earth sciences: Significance and applicability
Vajda, P.; Zahorec, P.; Papčo, J.; Mikuška, J.; Marušiak, I.; Bilčík, D.; Pašteka, R.; Carbone, D.; Greco, F.; Cantarero, M. (Slovak Academy of Sciences; Slovak Technical University; G-trend Ltd.; Comenius University, Bratislava; INGV, Catania) - Celestial mechanics and polarization optics of the Kordylewski dust cloud in the Earth-Moon Lagrange point L5: imaging polarimetric new evidence for the existence of Kordylewski dust cloud
Gábor Horváth; Judit Slíz-Balogh; András Barta (Loránd Eötvös University, Physical Institute, Budapest) - Gravimetry and geoid modelling in Croatia– an overview
Varga, M.; Bašić, T. (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Geodesy) - Surface deformations of the Earth related to its time dependent gravity field and dynamics: new results and future plans
Gábor Papp; Judit Benedek; Gyula Mentes; Marcell Szántó (MTA CSFK GGI); Márta Kis; András Koppán (Magyar Bányászati és Földtani Szolgálat); Meurers, B. (University of Vienna, Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics) - Gravity potantial surface by using series expansio, on basis of Eötvös torsion balance data
Dobróka Mihály (Miskolci Egyetem, Geofizikai Tanszék); Völgyesi Lajos (BME Általános és Felsőgeodézia Tanszék) - Actualities and challenges if space gravimetry
Földváry Lóránt, Fodor Csilla, Szántó Marcell - Perpectives of ionospheric research at the Geodetic and Geophysical Institute of MTA CSFK
Barta Veronika, Berényi Kitti, Kis Árpád, Wesztergom Viktor - Szarka László: 2019: Eötvös 100