A gift from South Tyrol, at the end of the “Eötvös 175”
On December 18 at 2 p.m., the Hungarian version of the chapter from the book by the South Tyrolean Wolfgang Strobl: Zu Gast in Schluderbach (As a Guest in Schluderbach) dealing with Eötvös’ mountain climbing activities (Baron Roland Eötvös and his daughters, Ilona and Rolanda in the Dolomites; Eötvös Loránd Geophysical Foundation, Budapest, 2023) will be presented in the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Budapest V. Arany János utca 1.).
This presentation is the closing event of the 175th anniversary of the birth of Roland Eötvös (in Hungarian: Loránd, 1848˗1919), an outstandingly versatile personality, a researcher who “earned an everlasting glory”. We will also look back at the main moments of the commemorative year. Documents that have already been published and will be published in the future related to the “Eötvös 175” (thus the articles of the March 2024 issue of the journal Magyar Tudomány) will all be included in the electronic archive, which was created four years ago in the framework of the “Eötvös 100”, the commemorative year organized on the occasion of the centenary of his death (https://eotvos100.hu/).
The “Eötvös 175” coordinating body ends the commemorative year with a citation from Roland Eötvös paying tribute in 1903 to János Bolyai and his Absolute Geometry formulated in 1823 - which is 200 years old this year: “..if we want to be real scientists and ˗ as it should be ˗ good Hungarians, science we have to raise its flag so high that it can be seen beyond the borders of our country and be given due respect. This is our ideal, it was realized once with Bolyai's work; perhaps only once so fully.” After a high mountain peak, even higher ones can always come.
"Eötvös 175": September 2023
The series of festive events related to the 175th anniversary of the birth of the Hungarian scientist Roland Eötvös (July 27, 1848, in Hungarian: Eötvös Loránd) began already in the spring. In honour of his multifaceted oeuvre, there were many summer events around his birthday: an Eötvös 175 exhibition in Berlin, a tourist program on Dobogókő, bicycle tours to the Dolomites. In the end of the Eötvös commemorative tour on July 27, a memorial plaque was inaugurated in the parish church Havas Boldogasszony in Krisztinaváros, Budapest, where Eötvös was baptized.
The first event in the autumn was the Eötvös 175 commemorative meeting held at the opening of the academic year of the Eötvös József Collegium in Budapest, on September 4. On September 9–10, the Téry Ödön Tourist Friends Association organized a 110 km tour in memory of Eötvös. And the so-called "Wigner 121" international conference (September 18-20, 2023) includes a session on gravity research, too.
The scientific top of the Eötvös 175 arrives on Wednesday, September 20, when the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) will hold a commemorative session between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Researchers of the HUN-REN Wigner Physics Research Centre, the Budapest Technical University, the University of Miskolc, the Supervisory Authority for Regulated Activities of Hungary, the HUN-REN Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science, Eötvös Loránd University will present their results achieved following the footsteps of Eötvös. The lecture session will be opened by Tamás Freund, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The entire program will be available on the MTA's YouTube channel. The President’s words will be listened among others by students of the Gergely Csiky Secondary School in Arad, on the occasion that the commemorative plaque of the 1906 conference's field trip to Arad-Ménes stands in this school. (As is known, the participants were at that time amazed by the extraordinary abilities of the Eötvös balance.) The Roland Eötvös Physical Society will lay a wreath on the Arad memorial plaque in the morning, followed by educational presentations for students in the afternoon and for adults in the evening. On the same day (September 20), BEAC (Budapest University Athletic Club) will launch in Budapest at 5:05 p.m. their 14th "5vös 5 km" running race and charity walk.
The ceremonial wreath-laying to be held as part of Eötvös 175 will take place on September 28 at 1:30 p.m. at the Eötvös statue in Gesztenyés garden, organized by the Roland Eötvös Geophysical Foundation and the Budapest XII Hegyvidék Municipality. After that, an Eötvös 175 cultural event will be held in the Hegyvidéki Kulturális Szalon (Törpe u. 2.) between 3 and 5 p.m.
The application deadline for a high school competition (https://www.focik.hu/), one of the tasks of which is linked to Eötvös, is at the end of September.
During the fall semester, several schools organize Eötvös 175 events. (On October 4, for example, an “Eötvös 175 and Süss 175” day at the Apáczai Csere János Theoretical Secondary School in Cluj, Kolozsvár.)
More information: info175@eotvos100.hu
Eötvös 100 and Eötvös 175 combined website: https://eotvos100.hu/en, https://eotvos175.hu/en
Eötvös 175 greeting card: https://media.eotvos100.hu/eotvos175/arculat/Greeting_card.pdf
September 14, 2023
Csaba László Szarka, Jenő Sólyom, András Pályi
Summer Eötvös 175 events
A photo report of the Eötvös 175 ommemorative memorial tour in Budapest on July 27, 2023 can be viewed here:
Selected press coverage:
- https://www.magyarkurir.hu/hazai/emlektablat-avattak-melyen-vallasos-eotvos-lorand-tiszteletere-szuletese-175-evfordulojan
- https://www.katolikusradio.hu/musoraink/adas/619458
- https://hegyvidektv.hu/budai-hirado-2023-julius-27/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsV5LGm6XRU
On July 29, Eötvös' ice ax was placed in the Báró Eötvös Loránd Shelter in Dobogókő.
August Eötvös 175 programs:
August 9, 2023, 8 a.m., Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3: Start event of the II. cycling expedition to the Eötvös peak of the Dolomites (BEAC)
August 10-30, 2023 Jubilee exhibition: 150 years of the Hungarian Carpathian Association. Poprád, Low Tatras Museum. Exhibition opening: August 10, 4 p.m. (Téry Ödön Tourist Friends Society)
August 12, 2023: Start of the III. cycling expedition
The Eötvös 175 Program booklet has been published
The program booklet with a series of events planned on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the birth of Baron Roland Eötvös (Eötvös Loránd, Buda, July 27, 1848 - Budapest, April 8, 1919) has been published. As known, Roland Eötvös was an outstanding researcher (physicist and geophysicist), reformer of higher education, statesman and educator. His works are still timely today. Summer birthday programs are followed by autumn events.
On Thursday, July 27, 2023, the birthday of Roland Eötvös, we invite Eötvös admirers to a whole day commemorative tour (from 8 am to 7 pm) in Budapest. Every hour, participants can listen to a quarter-hour short lecture about Eötvös' diverse activities related to the given site. Interested people can freely choose which stations they come to.
On Saturday, July 29, the Hungarian Tourist Association (MTE) will exhibit Eötvös' former ice pick - used to conquer the peaks of the Dolomites - at the Báró Eötvös Loránd Shelter in Dobogókő. On August 9th and 12th, BEAC (Budapest University Athletic Club) will start a bicycle tour from Egyetem tér 1, Budapest to to the Misurina lake below the mountain peak named after Roland Eötvös in the Dolomites (Eötvös-csúcs, Cima Cadini di Eötvös, 2837 m).
On September 4, the ELTE Eötvös József Collegium commemorates the 175th anniversary of the birth of the founder of the Collegium (Roland Eötvös was the son of József Eötvös) with a festive opening of the academic year and a lecture.
The Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) holds a scientific commemorative meeting on September 20 (the anniversary of the opening day of the Internationale Erdmessung conference held between September 20-28, 1906, at the MTA Headquarters). The opening address of the President of the Academy, Tamás Freund will also be heard at Csiky Gergely High School in Arad, where the ELFT (Roland Eötvös Physical Society) holds lectures. The site has been chosen since a plaque in this high school commemorates the event that the participants of the 1906 conference could convince themselves of the geological functionality of the Eötvös pendulum on the spot in the vicinity of Arad. The 125-year-old BEAC (whose first president was Roland Eötvös) is holding one of its "5vös 5km" running races and charity walks on the same day, in the afternoon.
On the afternoon of September 28, there will be a wreath-laying ceremony at the statue of Roland Eötvös in Gesztenyés kert (organized by the Eötvös Loránd Geophysical Foundation and Budapest Hegyvidék Municipality), followed by a colourful cultural celebration.
Among the international Eötvös 175 programs, the Berlin Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG, the current equivalent of the former Internationale Erdmessung) is an outstanding one. At the Berlin IUGG Assembly the Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science exhibits one of the most beautiful Eötvös balances.
The program booklet describes the ongoing plans, recalls some of the significant achievements and memorable moments of the Eötvös 100 commemorative year, held in 2019, in partnership with UNESCO, and provides links to the Eötvös 175 posters that can be downloaded in four (Hungarian, English, German and Italian) languages.
The program booklet is a collection of activities of independent organizations, streamlined by members of the former Eötvös 100 coordination committee to celebrate the 175th anniversary. The program booklet is available in Hungarian language in two different versions (online: https://media.eotvos100.hu/mediagyujtemeny/eotvos175/Eotvos175_program_0627e.pdf and printable: https://media.eotvos100.hu/mediagyujtemeny/eotvos175/Eotvos175_program_print.pdf).
June 27, 2023
László SZARKA, Jenő SÓLYOM, András PÁLYI
The „Eötvös 175” will start soon
The 175th anniversary of the birth of Baron Roland Eötvös (in Hungarian: Loránd; Buda, July 27, 1848 – Budapest, April 8, 1919), the world-renowned scientist, whose works are still influential today; professor, scientific organizer, statesman and youth educator takes place in 2023. On this occasion a number of commemorative events will be organized by a wide spectra of institutions, associations and civil organizations. The series of events in 2023 can be interpreted as an extension of the „Eötvös 100”, a commemorative year held four years ago, on the occasion of the centenary of his death, in joint commemoration with UNESCO. A number of additional results of the Eötvös 100 became visible only recently. The inauguration of the Eötvös statue in Budapest-Hegyvidék, for example, could only take place one and a half years later than planned, because of the COVID restrictions. In frames of the Eötvös 175, all partners will participate from their own financial resources. All planned events will be published the extended Eötvös 100 website.
You can find information about scientific, educational, sports and cultural events in the constantly updated Event Calendar (https://eotvos100.hu/en/events). The series of commemorative events starts before his summer birthday (with tourist and sports events in and around Budapest, and an exhibition of the famous Eötvös balance at the General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics in Berlin, https://www.iugg2023berlin.org) and culminates at the end of September, on the anniversary of the 1906 international scientific conference (Internationale Erdmessung), took place in the Palace of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. This conference and a related field experiment around Arad launched Eötvös as geophysicist towards world fame.
As every year, a lay wreath ceremony at the grave of Eötvös in the Fiumei út cemetery will be organized by the Association of Hungarian Geophysicists. This year it begins at 11 a.m. on April 6.
More Eötvös 175 information: info175@eotvos100.hu
2023. április 3.
The statue of Roland Eötvös in Budapest: inaugurated

The statue of the famous scientist (physicist, Earth scientist) and cultural politician Loránd (Roland) Eötvös (1848–1919), was inaugurated on October 5, 2021, Tuesday in Budapest-Hegyvidék (District XII).
The inauguration of the work of the Kossuth Prize-winning sculptor Tibor Rieger, originally planned for November 2020 (thus the closing of the Eötvös 100 Commemorative Year), took place, due to the COVID situation nearly one year later.
The legacy of Roland Eötvös and his generation teaches us the right orientation in both culture and science – this is the message of the leaders of the institutions and non-governmental organizations who appeared in the Gesztenyés Garden. The inauguration was held in presence of more than one hundred people, admirers of the Eötvös oeuvre.
More details (including photos) from the press coverage of the first day:
mti.hu, D_SOS20211005014
Roland Eötvös statue in Budapest
The statue of Baron Eötvös Loránd has been set up in the Gesztenyés kert ("Chestnut Garden") of Budapest XIIth district.
The creator is Tibor Rieger, a Kossuth Prize-winning sculptor.
It is a great reassurance for us that after such a long and struggling period, the statue has finally been realized. But the fate of this statue seems to significantly extend the Eötvös 100 Commemorative Year. We believe that the commemoration year will formally end with the inauguration ceremony.
The inauguration ceremony (had been planned to be held on November 17, 2020) is postponed indefinitely due to the COVID-19 situation.
Budapest, November 11, 2020
András Pályi, Chair of the Eötvös Loránd Geophysical Foundation
Release of the volume of poems written and translated by Roland Eötvös (1848-1919), and further 2020 follow-ups of the Roland Eötvös Commemorative Year
The Roland Eötvös Commemorative Year officially ended in 2019, but there are still some Eötvös 100 follow-up events that are worth reporting on. For example, a collection of poems and literary translations made by Roland Eötvös in his half-childhood has been published. It will be presented on October 15, 2020 in the conference room of the Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The Invitation Card is available in Hungarian language. A list of events and publications in 2020 as post-effects of the Eötvös 100 Commemorative Year is given, too.
Roland Eötvös in Heidelberg
On February 10, 2020, the European Physical Society announced that Dutch historian of science Dr. Henk Kubbinga has located a small set of documents related to Baron Roland Eötvös’s doctorate in physics at the archives of Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg (https://www.eps.org/blogpost/751263/340210/Roland-Eotvos-1848-1919--new-souvenirs).
The documents will be published by the Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in its electronic repository (http://real-ms.mtak.hu/23733/). The most interesting piece of the set is a handwritten autobiography of Roland Eötvös in Latin, which will also be made available in a Hungarian translation by Gábor Tóth, librarian at the Library’s Department of Manuscripts and Rare Books. This is not the only result of last year’s Eötvös 100 project. Member of the Leibniz Society and honorary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hainz Kautzleben recently assessed the scientific achievements of Eötvös (https://leibnizsozietaet.de/gedenken-an-roland-eoetvoes-anlaesslich-seines-100-todestages/ ) and a memorial to Eötvös is soon to be erected in South Tyrol.
Budapest, February 18, 2020
Eötvös 100 and Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Press release on the closing of the Eötvös 100 Project
Merry Christmas And Happy New Year 2020!
Eötvös 100 Puzzle Card
2019.12.05. Eötvös 100 evaluation meeting
Photo summary about the Roland Eötvös Commemorative Year
The Roland Eötvös Memorial Album (Book launch)
Results of the Eötvös 100 Commemorative Competition
Eötvös 100 events in Budapest, concomitant with the World Science Forum and the Feast of the Hungarian Science
The Eötvös 100 quiz arrived to the finale
The Roland Eötvös Commemorative Year in Slovakia
A summary about the Eötvös 100 events is September and about the programs in October-November-December has been released
"Eötvös Loránd" won the park naming poll launched by District XII Budapest
Details: https://www.hegyvidekujsag.hu/kozelet/uj-park-szuletik-egykori
Eötvös 100 events in early September
On September 6, an "Eötvös Loránd Cycling Expedition" starts from Székesfehérvár to Misurina Lake (Dolomites, Italy). The Eötvös Peak (Cima di Eötvös) rises here. The bicyclists, in organization of the ELTE-BEAC Polythlon Club will hand over the imaginary baton to the climbers of the Hungarian Tourist Association (MTE) on September 8. Tourists of MTE will also unveil a memorial plaque and visit the Eötvös Exhibition in Toblach.
At the Kiscell Museum in Budapest, on September 8, visitors have possibility to watch stereo slides made by Roland Eötvös.
On September 9, in the afternoon of opening ceremony of the scholar year of the Eötvös Collegium, there will be a joint event with the École Normale Supérieure and Scuola Normale Superiore. At 5 pm in the Rose Garden the garden pond here and that at the École Normale Supérieure will be symbolically connected. A monograph on the institution founded by Loránd Eötvös will also be launched.
For detailed programs of these and further Eötvös 100 events in early September (among others a conference at Miskolc University and Celldömölk) see https://eotvos100.hu/en/events
Triannual Meeting of the Eötvös Loránd Physical Society (Sopron, 21-24 August 2019)
At the triannual meeting of Eötvös Loránd Physical Society (Sopron, 21-24 August 2019) three plenary lectures were devoted directly on the life and work of Roland Eötvös (Jenő Sólyom: Loránd Eötvös the man, József Cserti: Loránd Eötvös the physicist, Viktor Wesztergom: Loránd Eötvös the geophysicist). In addition, several scientific and educational lectures were also connected to the Eötvös heritage. The story of re-measuring the famous Eötvös experiment (or after the co-authors: Eötvös, Pekár and Fekete the EPF experiment) was told by academician Lajos Völgyesi, and the first results were reported by Gyula Tóth. Researchers at MTA Wigner FK and BME have been able to reduce measurement uncertainty by an order of magnitude (from 10-9 to 10-10) thanks to the ideal location and automation of the instrument. At this meeting the physicists also commemorated the 150th anniversary of the Mendeleev periodic table. As the session chairman (András Patkós) pointed out, that time many experts could have been able to compile the periodic system of elements, but what Eötvös realized did not have any precedence. His work and results still have been admired by the world of physicists.Presentations: https://eotvos100.hu/en/page/tovabbi_eloadasok
Eötvös 100 international events in summer 2019
Stereoscopic photos from the Dolomites made by Roland Eötvös (1875-1915). Photo exhibition in Toblach (Dobbiacio), 2019.08.09-09.21. https://eotvos100.hu/en/article/155 - Invitation:International Olympiad of Astrophysics and Astronomy (IOAA). Keszthely-Hévíz, 2019. augusztus 2-10. https://eotvos100.hu/en/article/49
IUGG Centenary Assembly. Montreal, 2019. július 8-18. https://eotvos100.hu/en/article/48
GIREP 2019. Budapest, 2019. július 1-5. https://girep2019.hu/
International Conference on Precision Physics and Fundamental Constants (FKK 2019). Tihany, 2019. június 10-14. https://eotvos100.hu/en/article/45
81st EAGE Conference & Exhibition. 2019; London, 2019. június 3-8. https://eotvos100.hu/en/article/87
Commemorative Competition
The Eötvös Loránd Physical Society (in co-operation with Association of Hungarian Geophysicists and MTA Institute for Computer Science and Control) announces the Roland Eötvös Commemorative Competition. It is an educational competition for secondary school students, in Hungarian language. For fourther information see the Hungarian version of the website eotvos100.hu/hu.